There are a number of different types of crystals out there. Some people believe they have healing abilities for the mind, body, and soul. In fact, many ancient cultures — including Egypt, Greece, and China — believed that crystals have healing properties. Some people claim that crystals promote the flow of good energy and help rid your body and mind of negative energy for physical and emotional benefits. However, it’s important to know that there’s almost no scientific evidence to support the use of crystals. Here I have a list of traits and symptoms. Along with the crystals that will help treat and heel them.
ANXIETY: Howlite, Lepidolite, Amethyst, Jade, Citrine
SLEEP: Fluorite, Smokey Quarts, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Selenite
CALM AND TRANQUILITY: Amethyst, Celestite, Howlite, Rose Quartz, Black Tourmaline
Energy: Clear Quartz, Jasper, Black Obsidian, Citrine, Rose Quartz
Fear: Black Tourmaline, Labradorite, Tiger’s Eye, Hematite, Charoite
EMOTIONAL TRAUMA: Black Tourmaline, Carnelian, Cordierite/Iolite, Lapis Lazuli, Rhodochrosite
STRESS: Amethyst, Blue Lace Agate, Black Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Hematite
ANGER: Bloodstone, Smokey Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine, Peridot
SPIRITUALITY: Clear Quartz, Black Obsidian, Rose Quartz,
Citrine, Jasper
SINUS, LUNG, RESPIRATORY: Amethyst, Chalcedony, Lapis Lazuli, Prehnite, Morganite
PSYCHIC ABILITIES: Agate, Clear Quartz, Citrine, Amethyst, Amazonite
TRUTH/ HONESTY: Blue Sapphire, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Hematite,
Tiger’s Eye
BONE AND BLOOD HEALTH: Calcite, Preseli Bluestone, Elestial Quartz, Gyrolite, Sphene
HAPPINESS: Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli
STAMINA: Quartz, Carnelian, Jade, Red Spinal, Amethyst
WEIGHT LOSS: Blue Apatite, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Amethyst, Selenite
MONEY/ WEALTH: Pyrite, Citrine, Malachite, Tiger’s Eye, Clear Quartz
MOTIVATION: Tiger’s Eye, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Amethyst
PROTECTION: Clear Quartz, Smokey Quarts, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Amethyst
LOVE: Rose Quartz, Pink Kunzite, Rhodonite, Malachite, Moonstone
INTROVERTS: Malachite, Blue Lace Agate, Labradorite, Citrine, Moss Agate
Luck: Citrine, Clear Quartz, Garnet, Labradorite, Smokey Quartz
CAREER/SUCCESS: Citrine, Carnelian, Sunston, Green Aventurine, Pyrite
NEW BEGININGS: Kyanite, Chrysocolla, Larvikite, Amazonite, Larimar
ADDICTION: Obsidian, Hematite, Amethyst, Quartz, Citrine
Grief: Black Onyx, Amethyst, Apache Tears, Smokey Quartz, Jet Stone
CHILDREN: Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Aquamarine, Black Tourmaline, Clear Quartz
FAMILY: Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Amazonite, Red Jasper, Lapis Lazuli
FERTILITY: Moonstone, Smokey Quartz, Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Chrysoprase
SKIN: Aquamarine, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Moonstone, Jade
MEMORY: Lapis Lazuli (all), Amethyst (stress), Selenite (long term), Clear Quartz (age), Hematite (short term)